Make an old-fashioned style silhouette from a photo of your favorite person, pet or place. 3D printed in black plastic, ready to hang in a prominent location on your wall.

We start with your high quality, high definition photo. We then convert the photo to a high detail, high contrast black and white image. The photo is then reduced to the most important contrast detail and prepared to make your 3D printed silhouettes.

This High Quality Photo…

R - image to convert to silhouette

Becomes This 3D Silhouette

3D printed silhouette R small large

Currently, the largest silhouette we can print is about 220 millimeters along the longest edge. The smallest silhouette can be about 100 millimeters along the longest edge before too many details start to disappear.

Below is an example of printing a silhouette at smaller sizes with less detail. It still looks like them, but the fine detail is missing. A different look, but still an interesting and recognizable look.

R and A image to be converted to silhouette
R and A 3D printed silhouette