Bring us your best quality, favorite photograph and let us turn it into a gift that will not be forgotten. We have a small selection of Costa Rica Nature photos available for you to use, as well.

Our most requested products are lithophane lampshades, desktop lithophane night lights, and MagicImage lithophane key fobs.

Lithophane Lampshade
Three or four images wrap around a lampshade suitable for a small table lamp, for example a bedside table.

Desktop Night Light
This style of lithophane night light fits easily on a desktop or shelf.

Magic Image Key Fob
The lithophane image appears when key fob is held up to the light. Your favorite photo can be used to create a memorable personalized gift.

Lithophane Night Light Green Frog

Lithophane Night Light
Nondescript during the day, the image comes alive in the evening, imparting a soft, warm glow.